Please follow the instructions below to ensure that you get the best results from your neuromodulator treatment.
o Do not rub or massage the treated area for 24 hours.
o No facials, hot tubs, saunas, or strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
o Do not lay down flat for 4 hours after the treatment or spend time bending over (like gardening or cleaning).
o No microneedling, lasers, or chemical peels within TWO weeks of treatment.
o The tiny bumps will disappear within a few hours. If you need to apply makeup within 4 hours of your treatment, use a gentle touch to avoid rubbing the treated area.
o You may notice initial results around day 4 to 7, but it takes 14 days for the treatment to take full effect.
o Neuromodulators are temporary and each person metabolizes them at a different rate. An average treatment lasts 3 months, but sometimes muscle function is restored as early as 2 months or as late as 6 months. Sometimes, with repeat treatments, duration may lengthen.
o New clients should schedule a quick 2 week follow up appointment with me to ensure that their treatment is satisfactory and to make any adjustments if needed.